Small Transparent Speaker Metal

Sale price$1,199.00

The Small Transparent Speaker - a compact yet powerful device that delivers exceptional sound quality with its unique Transparent sound technology. This sleek and stylish speaker made of tempered glass and aluminium is the perfect addition to any music lover's collection. This speaker is designed to be as much an interior object as a great sounding piece of technology. It comes with Bluetooth 5.0, but it is also ready for whatever tech that might be useful in coming years.


Material:100% steel
Weight:14 g
CO2e:0.07 kg


Material:76% magnet, 18% alu, 6% others
Weight:406 g
CO2e:1.76 kg


Material:100% aluminium
Weight:396 g
CO2e:2.00 kg

Glass Panels

Material:100% Glass
Weight:1728 g
CO2e:2.17 kg


Material:66% copper, 34% PE
Weight:316 g
CO2e:1.32 kg


Material:67% alu, 30% abs, 3% others
Weight:201 g
CO2e:1.37 kg


Material: PCBs
Weight: 102 g
CO2e: 31.43 kg


Material:100% Rubber
Weight:4 g
CO2e:0.01 kg

Small Transparent Speaker Metal - Ante ShopTransparentSpeakers7350077880290STS - M

The Transparent sound

Our tightly sealed four litre enclosure and custom designed three inch drivers help to create a controlled reproduction of frequencies. We hone our powerful DSP (Digital Sound Processor chip) to ensure studio recording quality reproduction. With the Small Transparent Speaker you will hear layered reproductions of voices even if you are far away.